Category Archives: Worship

Stand firm.

Stand firm, pen & pencil, July 2012, Mark A Hewitt

We must no longer be€ … tossed to & fro and blown about by every wind … But speak the truth in Love. Ephesians 4:14,15.
The encouragement is to stand firm and face of the strong winds around us that wishes our faith to bend before it. Stand firm & respond in love.
Ephesians 4:1-16. Pentecost 10 Yr B.

Shake off the dust

Shake off the dust. Mark A Hewitt, pastel & pencil. 7 July 2012

Mark 6:1-13  Jesus sent the disciples out to preach, teach & heal. ‘If any place will not welcome you and they refuse to hear you, as you leave, shake off the dust that is on your feet …..’ What a great image of letting go & moving on when you have been in a place or situation that has hurt when all you have done is tried your best.
Pentecost 6 Yr B

Peace! Be Still!

Peace! Be Still!  Pastel & Acrylic, Mark A Hewitt. 20 June 2012

Mark 4:35-41. Jesus stills the waters from the boat with his words. Peace! Be Still! Here we see the words fused with the waters, calming the waters. We may be standing in darkness yet Jesus’ peace will flow around us.
Pentecost 4 Yr B