Is the theme for the term of office for the new Moderator of the Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of South Australia, Dr. Deidre Palmer.
Dr. Palmer commissioned for her Instalation & commissioning (30 October 2013) an art piece that comprised of 3 circles that spin on an axis. The artists Ella Radke, Susan Wickham, Karan Hudson and myself worked on the surfaces of the circles using the theme; Community in Christ – Living Compassion & Hope.

Ella Radke, Karan Hudson, Mark Hewitt. Mixed Media, 2013
The following is a reflection from each artist published in the Order of Service.
Ella Radke (central ring both sides)
Hope is the light in the darkness; a beacon that shines out. It is the flame that leads us forward, keeps us warm and beckons us into the future.
We are woven together in the spirit to form a community in Christ. A subtle cross is formed in the pattern of the weave, the stronger the community; all bound together in divine love.
Susan Wickham (middle ring, one side)
Compassion: If we could walk a mile in another’s shoes, with open hearts and minds, perhaps we could learn to understand. With understanding, comes empathy… compassion. Surely this is the way Christ walks in all our lives.
Karan Hudson (middle ring, one side)
Compassion moves us. It takes us from darkest places into new light, into the rough places and out again. When we open ourselves to the Spirit’s work of compassion, we have the capacity to move from being closed to open.
Mark Hewitt (outer ring, both sides)Community is all about people and the layers of relationshps that take place within community. Relationships that are vital & vibrant represented by the layers of hands & colour. Hands & colour that blend together, are bound together, as the Spirit binds us together.
One of the great images of Hope that bookends the bible, as it is found in Genesis & Revelation, is the Tree of Life. An image of HOPE in that it’s leaves bring healing to the nations. these leaves are represented on one side of the outer ring.

Ella Radke, Susan Wickham, Mark Hewitt, Mixed Media 2013.