Tag Archives: koinonia

Abide in Love

Koinonia, Still Life No.2 in series of 4 on Acts 2:42 Mark A Hewitt 1997

The Church, the gathered faithful, are to be the one Vine with the fruit of love.
John 15:9-17 has us living in love.
How would a community of love, live out it’s love?
David Augsburger, Professor of pastoral care & counselling at Fuller Theological Seminary, In his book, Dissident Discipleship (Brazos Press, 2006) Mentions that ‘the most virtuous form of love is ‘koinonia, the mutual, reciprocal, committed, and celebrated love of intimate relationship, authentic community, and responsive fellowship.’  …… ‘To live in koinonia is to rely on a web of relationships of loving, caring community. When this community is centred in Jesus Christ, it takes on the unique character of the One who was willing to suffer the ultimate human in justice, abuse, and social scorn without yielding to fear or betraying the way of redemptive love.’
Easter 6 Yr B